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Tagged “windows”

  1. Comfortable development on your probably notebook shaped ARM computer

    How to set up your portable ARM based Windows 11 device for development.

    ⌚ About 2 min reading time

    windows development arm snapdragon remotedesktop
  2. Things without windows on Windows

    Where should binaries, command line tools and similar things live on Windows? We should figure it out.

    ⌚ About 6 min reading time

    windows developer shell command-line
  3. Windows apps and GDPR

    A quick disclaimer before venturing in: I’m not a legal expert, and the following is not legal advice. The purpose of this post is to give an overview of GDPR’s influence upon your average Windows App Developer.

    ⌚ About 4 min reading time

    privacy uwp windows development law gdpr

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