Comfortable development on your probably notebook shaped ARM computer
How to set up your portable ARM based Windows 11 device for development.
⌚ About 2 min reading time
windows development arm snapdragon remotedesktop -
Things without windows on Windows
Where should binaries, command line tools and similar things live on Windows? We should figure it out.
⌚ About 6 min reading time
windows developer shell command-line -
Musing about nuance, as a follow up to my previous post.
⌚ About 2 min reading time
personal politics world -
On being chalant
Returning to first principles (writing more), being chalant and rambling vaguely to no one in particular about the world we live in.
⌚ About 4 min reading time
personal politics world -
A developer who exists as a calendar based lifeform
Anyone who knows me is well aware how there are some tools that essentially drive my life. My notes being the first - something I talked about before on this very place - but my calendar coming close second. To fix this, I'd like to take this time to talk about my calendaring habits and maybe show you some things you could do you might've been not aware of. (Although a lot of these will be obvious to people who are calendar veterans.)
⌚ About 4 min reading time
productivity calendars development -
Trim, crop and more - basic video editing with ffmpeg
Learn how to accomplish a few simple video editing tasks in the terminal using ffmpeg - in this session we'll make videos smaller
⌚ About 3 min reading time
software video-editing ffmpeg tutorial guide -
Tiny Tools of the Trade - Part I.
Small software solutions that are big time savers, for small everyday problems that are big annoyances. This time let's learn about yt-dlp, RipMe and ffmpeg.
⌚ About 2 min reading time
software recommendations open source showcase tools -
Now That's What I Call Visual Studio Extensions (2022 edition)
Endorsing essential extensions to enhance your development environment.
⌚ About 4 min reading time
visual-studio development extensions xaml csharp -
Taking a Diamond Pickaxe to My Notes
After roughly 11 years and ~1200 notes, I left OneNote behind for Obsidian. As you can imagine, this was a gigantic change for someone who literally owns a OneNote cape.
⌚ About 3 min reading time
note taking obsidian markdown onenote feedback -
Recording My Life in Higher Resolution with Polywork
It has been over a year now since I've had a friend talk about a work-related site intending to do things differently... and differently they did. Let's talk about Polywork and The Polywork Community.
⌚ About 3 min reading time
polywork community social network linkedin testing -
Shared Engine Spaces in the age of Mixed Reality Operating Systems
As we're heading into the brave new world of mixed reality, one of the larger software issues facing everyone has yet to be addressed: shared engine spaces.
⌚ About 5 min reading time
mixed reality virtual reality augmented reality operating systems rendering engines airspace issues oculus hololens windows mixed reality magic leap lumin os -
Who needs a Sensibo anyway?
If you're reading this post you're probably in the target audience for a certain Instagram ad alongside with me, advertising Sensibo: a magical IoT gadget that turns your "dumb" air conditioner into a "smart" one. This is the story of me not buying one.
⌚ About 10 min reading time
iot reverse engineering development dotnet csharp open source python clang raspberry pi ssh infrared air conditioning -
I moved my blog
Back in 2015 (?, I think...) I moved my blog to Medium, which promised to be a clean and fast blogging platform. It's now 2020 and Medium is everything but that: popups, nag screens and "please subscribe" CTAs everywhere. So I moved.
⌚ About 1 min reading time
blog meta medium lastpage eleventy -
A new mentor in your journey to be a better developer
I won’t surprise anyone who knows me when I say static analysis tools made me a better developer. I’m willing to go even further, just as the title of this post says: these tools can be our mentors.
⌚ About 3 min reading time
development dotnet csharp ndepend static analysis showcase -
Windows apps and GDPR
A quick disclaimer before venturing in: I’m not a legal expert, and the following is not legal advice. The purpose of this post is to give an overview of GDPR’s influence upon your average Windows App Developer.
⌚ About 4 min reading time
privacy uwp windows development law gdpr -
Reverse engineering the Unity Network Discovery protocol
I’m working on a project where a .net core backend is used as a server to provide data for multiple Unity clients. To ease development and usage in Unity it’d be great if we could use the built-in network discovery module, so that’s what I did.
⌚ About 2 min reading time
unity reverse engineering development dotnet csharp open source